Opulent Property Investors

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Week 98: The Four P’s

Halfway through November and we’re nearing the end of the project. It has got to be said without a shadow of doubt that this project should’ve been completed months back. The ultimate success of this project falls within the scope of the following:

Project Manager

Not going to go on too much about this as I have addressed this many times in the current series (Opulent Diaries). To cut the long story short we hired the services of the above to carry out all works necessary in relation to a renovation so as to bring the project to a satisfactory completion. This has obviously not happened, we were given very bad advice right from the start. Sourced the wrong property as way too complex for a starter project and cost of works grossly underestimated. Fast forward twelve months we are now operating on a loss due to the negligence of the project manager, who is also in serious breach of his contract. I will keep you posted on a separate blog as no doubt this is going to be one bumpy ride.


It is no surprise that the project manager has subcontracted some dodgy plumbers who I can’t seem to find on the Gas Safe  Register. They have left great big holes where they fitted the radiators. Nearly every connection is omitted as in toilet, basin all there but not attached properly to any waste pipe so not even in use. We bought all the parts from a local bathroom store just to make sure that we only purchased the best and didn't get anything on-line as we couldn't guarantee the quality. But still plumbers couldn't fit anything in properly. They have only just managed to fit in the boiler after weeks of trying to get them out. None of the above has been done to a satisfactory level yet they have issued me with a bill of over £5,000 with three different names on the invoice?? I was told they are a reputable company but a quick google search has indicated otherwise and on maps it’s showing a house, not a business. It’s all very alarming.


Plasterers had done everything except for the window reveals (the frame around the windows). Had left this out as back then we were going to have brand new windows installed. The finance company pulling out cash at the last minute meant we could no longer go for new PVC windows but patch-up the existing ones. The plasterers are now using everything they can to not come out and finish off the job. We were always transparent and told them from the very start that they will have to come back out to do the finishing touch but it seems they are shying away from what they agreed and it is no surprise as they were subcontracted by the project manager. Can you see the pattern here? Everyone he brings in is nothing but a waste of space and so unprofessional to say the least. They made so much mess several times prior and our project manager is saying lay the new carpets and they will be careful. What planet is he on??


Due to the project running over so badly, it appears that the disease has spread to other areas of the workforce. Sadly it is mob mentality and when things start to go pear shaped, people generally copy the bad behaviours rather than the good behaviour. I can’t blame them as I’m even sick of this project, then how can I expect others to find joy. Morale is so low with the crew that getting anyone to come out is proving extremely difficult, because of all the starts and stops, they have fled and taken on other work. Hence, bringing them back on site is a slow and painful process.

But do sleep tight. I know the above sounds awful but please don’t allow my experiences to put you off. Success is never easy but the bigger the pain the greater the reward… (self quote).