Week 8: The Horrors of Social Media
Last week we had so much fun launching our brand new podcast to air every fortnight on a Saturday. The series will consist of lots of hot topics within the industry and boast a mix of thought provoking content to give a more rounded approach to learning. The heart of the matter will always be property and the usual stresses that one can expect along with the opportunity to explore deeper avenues such as ‘self fulfilling prophecy’ or ‘the third eye’. Hmmm…. I hear you murmur! what’s this got to do with property? Well you have to tune in to find out. We are taking property and giving it a holistic approach by looking at the science behind it. Ever thought why some people do better in this area than others?
Why is it that one person will have a property empire and another 1 or 2 houses as a landlord? Hopefully our podcast discussions can help debunk some of the myths and give a greater insight in a frank and open manner. I hear you say (again), what’s this got to do with social media? but, that's exactly my point. What are you doing to reach out to your crowd? How will you enrich them? What social platforms are you exploring or not? The podcast is a social means to engage/connect with followers who may in turn become your future customers or partners. All this takes some consideration, effort and time on your behalf. So get creative and get moving and more on creativity next week as I will talk you through my marketing campaign.
Looking back, a quick recap from the previous month, business registered, compliant and all set. It now needed to come to life and injected with some vigour & personality. This is where social media comes in and I will probably need a separate blogpost to cover this topic alone as I have started from scratch, I kid you not. For a person who has never had a FaceBook (FB) account and why would I? After all, my private life should remain private and not a public display. I have always been a very private person and getting onto social media has been somewhat challenging. I am a pre-millennial so all this, insta, hashtag, follow me, influence, trending, likes, share was alien to me. So with all the usual stresses of starting a new business I had to learn the ropes of digital marketing. Basically, I had to ‘get with the times’ as it was essential for my business. I enrolled on a few short courses here and there and signed up for business FB, Instagram and Twitter.
FB was a must because everyone was on it (more people to advertise to). Insta, very visual and where I'm hoping to showcase all my upcoming projects and Twitter for current affairs and how your business sits in relation to its environment. I was avoiding social media like the plague and guess what this is the area I enjoyed the most. It turns out I am a little bit of a show-off who enjoys the lime-light than previously known….hahaha. So on this path of self discovery I was expected to document all my actions, outings and concerns as no room for an introvert, exhausting yet exhilarating. I was told by a mentor to take pictures everywhere I go and be ‘very active’ in this space and that’s exactly what I’m doing. People want to see who is behind Opulent? How does this entity think, work and behave? What is its purpose or message? and social media is where its personality will shine.