Week 16: Education

WhatsApp Image 2020-01-06 at 15.42.49.jpeg

Hello everyone! Hope you're well, all snuggled up in-doors and keeping safe. I've decided to beat the lockdown by becoming a student again. You see I'm one of those ants in your pants type of people that can’t sit still just have to do something. Personal development is something that has always remained important for me. It's down to us to take priority in order to better ourselves, by learning, as the world is in a constant state of flux. What gave me this idea? Well, Covid-19 for one as I had a wee bit of time on my hands and also because I’d participated in one of these taster sessions organised by my mentor which I thoroughly enjoyed. 

It was pretty straight forward enough, he emailed the zoom link and all I had to do was make sure dinner was out the way (for a 7pm start), have reasonable internet speed and a pen and pad for notes. Structure was an on-line presentation with Q&A scheduled in for the end. An interactive masterclass with a small group of ten participants which I liked as it gave us all the chance to raise our individual concerns. Everyone was at different levels, some just newbies while others a bit more advanced. But, the theme/topic was what brought us all together; ‘How to Raise Finance as Property Investors’. 

A snapshot of what I learnt: 

  • How to position yourself to attract finance partners so you can become a cash buyer and use none of your own money to grow your portfolio 

  • Build deep relationships with prospective finance partners to build trust and the desire to work together before you even ask for the money

  • Discover the different ways to structure the borrowing

  • How to leverage the finance you raise to get the most out of it so you can do more with it and secure yourself a healthy return

  • How to use the finance to grow your portfolio 

Bonus: finance contracts thrown in along with full recordings and slides of the class.

The session ran over and Q&A has moved into next week, which, by the way, I don't mind as it's not going to feel rushed and more time to collect our thoughts. It was invaluable. I was so pumped at the end that I decided to enrol on a Rent-to Rent course by another provider which I had been putting off for a while. It will be a three month program all online and from the comfort of your own home, (there will be homework as well! yikes). Yes, like everything else there is a small outlay/cost but, the price of not part-taking would've been more costly I reckon. What are you doing during the lockdown period? What do you think of my decision? Is it a Yay or Nay? Drop me a line, I will be quite happy to share content. You can reach me on: rozina@opulentpi.co.uk