Week 22: The Master Procrastinator

Opulent Diaries Picture Rozinas Diary .jpeg

Hello everyone I have a confession to make! If I don’t say it now I never will! I am not going to pretend but, I have completely fallen off the bandwagon. The introduction of ‘lockdown’ has somehow brought the worst out of me. I don’t want to sit here preaching to everyone when i’m a complete f***up myself! There you go I have said it. I have turned into one big fat loser! (literally). Lost interest in property because I was preoccupied with baking, sunbathing and cultivating my culinary skills. I have now fallen so behind I don’t know where to start and how to go about it. 

A prequel to lockdown: I was working at my personal best pulling in 18 hour days 7 days a week. I would be up at the crack of dawn cross-training, reading, meditating and having avocado for breakfast. I have now swapped these fine things for urhm...home baked muffins, Nutella on everything and the list goes on. Put it this way, if I accidentally woke up at 6:30 am that would be an awfully late morning for me. After a long day at the office I was still able to work on my business until early hours. I have since gotten into a bit of a rut and been going to bed later & later and inevitably waking up later & later. Although I don’t like the blame culture, Ramadan didn't help either, it’s hard to concentrate when you're running on empty. What was supposed to be a rest of a week or two had turned into a month or two (seriously). These days I find great joy in everything other than property. The penny dropped when a friend of mine had asked “how the course was going”? To which I replied: “I've fallen behind” and they were like “how do you fall behind on a home-based course during lockdown anyway”?? 

Needless to say; I feel like sh**! As I have obviously found a way....

The reason why I feel the need to share such intricacies is to make one aware that running/working on a business is harrrrrrrrd. Laziness, lack of motivation, self-destructive behaviour is sadly a default setting for me. so , if I can pull this off I think pretty much anyone can. Just wanted to share or give you a snapshot of the mind of a real person working on a passion. Sometimes this passion dries up and then what? It really is a drain. I'm even struggling to pick up the phones to speak to agents and vendors alike. Its 1st of June 2020; I was supposed to have at least a couple of  Buy To Let’s (BTL), by now. It just stings to think we’re one month shy of hitting the halfway point (1st July) and I'm really starting to feel the pressure. Sadly, instead of earning the title of ‘Master Proprietor’ I have earned the title of ‘Master Procrastinator’. I thought I owe it to both myself and everybody else to come clean and own my sh**. Apologies for the choice of words, family has brought me up well it's just me being me. If anyone can relate to this I send you my deepest sympathy as in this moment in time I don’t have any words of advice, nor am I going to pretend I have the answers. 

Love you all, from a struggling entrepreneur....