Week 3: The Pain

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Last week was exciting it was all about the plan and what the future is going to look like. This week, the complete opposite ‘the pain’. I have named this weeks blog the pain because thats exactly what it is. The week started off great, kicking off with a Tony Robbins event which was all bells & whistle, adrenaline pumping, thought provoking somewhat emotional which super charges your brain. Exactly the start one needed. I left the event on such a high with endorphins swarming around and not an iota of cortisol in sight! But this was short lived and the train of happiness was about to crash. Then came the blackout. 

One of the worst week ever, toxic talk, unsolicited advice, demanding people, ingratitude you know the usual drama called an argument. Just be wary no matter what you do there is no prevention or safeguarding against it. It comes at you like a meteorite and all that is left are ashes. No point thinking why? where? or how? It doesn’t understand, it’s a flipping meteorite it only knows how to destroy. It doesn’t care for the wreckage, the weeks of work you’ve done to get this far or how long it will take to fix up yet again. These ugly things have a long history. They come in many forms and all impact levels. This one was a biggie!  Moving forward, I am late in writing this blog as a result, fallen so behind and mental state in tatters. So how does one muster up the strength to continue when your totally drained, in shock, scared and aching all over? You see, in times like this you need more than motivation, will power or a reminder of your why? You need Grit! The ability to continue when you think you can’t. At some point you have to find it within yourself to carry on and work on your plan. What I am trying to say is that you will encounter this throughout your business journey. It’s normal and you have to deal with it the best you can. Starting anything is difficult and persevering is even harder. Everyone will go through this not once but several times. Try not to dwell on it and make the most of the better times.

Moving forward, I did help my elderly neighbour with his first purchase of a laptop and a home internet kit. Watching the smile on his face as we surfed the net was soothing. At least one nice episode in the midst of war. Later on, I did manage to make some contact with local estate agents to book some viewings but because of my personal challenges had to cancel these appointments. Then what came next was alarming, when trying to re-book they were giving me the run around and all of a sudden no appointments for the entire week?? These agencies are some work! so only book if you know you can definitely attend if not then good luck to re-scheduling. What’s the point chasing them might as well finish writing that blog post but guess what, I can’t find it anywhere. Checked all the files on my laptop but nothing, so where is this blog??? With panic in the air and a deadline fast approaching get ready for yet another crash!.....twice, really! How is this even possible? These things tend to come in waves.

This is the making of an entrepreneur by the way. It is how your character is formed. It will make you better, faster and stronger for what follows. I never said it will be easy but, it will be worth it. Hopefully, next week will see some better days.