Posts in Opulent Diaries
Week 21: Beauty Pageants and Festivities

Another very interesting week! My little baby niece who in fact is not a baby anymore (she is 18) is in second place as Miss Birmingham. If she wins this round she will be representing England in the 2020 Miss World Contest. I'm so proud of her, she is really blossoming into a beautiful and talented young lady. As part of her placement at Uni she wants to complete a year in the USA at either Yale or Stanford University. Oops can't remember what she's studying though….hehehe.

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Week 20: Cats and One Direction

Boy this has been one hell of a week. I'm sorry I got side tracked as I was supposed to discuss my new strategy and/or plan. I know everyone is on lockdown but life is still happening around us. For starters I am a proud parent to a new cat, (well an eight week old kitten to be precise) and she is so cute and adorable. But it's not a bed of roses as I've had sleepless nights with this little thing who won't stop meowing for my attention.

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Week 19: Wellness Warrior

Hi everyone and welcome back! Now this is a very broad area and what might motivate one person may not inspire the other. Sometimes we have to slow down in order to speed up. You might think that cutting back on an hour or two of sleep will give you more time on your work. One the other hand you might think if I skip exercise I'll have more time to do my projects. This is actually limiting belief. You may think you're gaining time but really you're just gaining more stress in my opinion.

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Week 18: Why Does It Always Rain On Me?

This week's diary is based on the song ‘Why does it always rain on me’ by the Scotish rock band Travis. I can relate to this song to the extent of whether or not to laugh or cry? Ever find yourself saying ‘why me’? I’m sure many can relate. Twenty years prior fresh out of uni; the sky's the limit! think you can take anything on. Like all my peers in their 20s during the turn of the century I still vividly remember all the celebrations; what a year that was.

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Week 14: The Brand

This week has been a bit tricky as I'm still self-isolating and didn’t want to stop the blogs as I'd promised. Just shy of 15 weeks (prior) I was celebrating the new year and started this blog as a weekly diary. I did not anticipate the apocalypse which was about to strike. But nevertheless, I'm going to brave up and continue. As long as there are readers I will continue to write. Carona is being talked to death so I thought I will share with you our branding strategy and how and why we chose everything. So like a movie I'm going back 6 odd months to give you the prequel to Opulent. Although the diary started 1st of January the set-up did start several months earlier and this is the period I will share.

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Week 4: The Plague

This week I have been consumed by what I call ‘the plague’. Not physical - but mental; with all its fears sinking in. Why would I announce my plans? Why would I be so public about my thoughts? How will this impact me now? Who knows? Who is laughing? Who is judging me? What will everyone think if I ***up? 100 thoughts racing through my head. Unnecessary stress which I created for myself by having the added pressure of everyone knowing. Honestly, it’s not about being secretive or even deceptive but rather staying in ones safety/comfort zone. The less people know then fewer explanations if things go wrong. 

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Week 3: The Pain

Last week was exciting it was all about the plan and what the future is going to look like. This week, the complete opposite ‘the pain’. I have named this weeks blog the pain because thats exactly what it is. The week started off great, kicking off with a Tony Robbins event which was all bells & whistle, adrenaline pumping, thought provoking somewhat emotional which super charges your brain. Exactly the start one needed. I left the event on such a high with endorphins swarming around and not an iota of cortisol in sight! But this was short lived and the train of happiness was about to crash. Then came the blackout. 

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