Week 87: Monday Mindset
How do you move forward from events or situations that are so challenging that they change the chemistry of your body? Wow, when I read that back that sounds quite drastic. Even still, there were some episodes that evoked such strong emotions that one is sometimes unable to control them. So you have to take a moment, take a breath before you start talking to the project manager or the builders or any other professionals who have been contracted, or had discussions with, to start work. You can't let emotions get the better of you, you will come across problems that you need to work through and if you’re emotional then you will not make the right decisions.
Tip: Learn to control your emotions, it will serve you well in life...
It’s Bank Holiday Monday today and I still have to find the mindset to carry on...
You will face many adversaries in life as well as in business, these adversaries are not necessarily people but come in different shapes and forms. Everything that happens to you is because of the decisions that you have made in the past or even in the last few hours or even minutes ago. You could be faced with a deadline that is really tight, you have to fight to make it. You could be faced with delays in materials/services, you have to get through this. Just like the Sat Nav when you take the wrong turn it reroutes your journey, think like a Sat Nav and re-route your journey to get to your destination. There will be sacrifices you will have to make and I’m not talking about ‘killing a goat at the altar’ type of sacrifice. I’m talking about missing my niece’s Miss England events where she was one of the contestants. I really wanted to go but due to the amount of work we had, I had to say no. This was one of many events, celebrations, ceremonies that I had to pass on. In order to get to the top you have to hibernate for a while so you can come out like a big beautiful butterfly. It's not the best feeling in the world knowing that everyone is having fun whilst you're stuck in doors, but you can't let old habits kick in because if you do you’ll end up in the exact same place.
When you’re working on a project there will inevitably be problems, challenges you will face. We had/are having our fair share of them as well. From the project manager not doing what he is supposed to be doing to the finance company not being flexible to trades people not coming out to complete work can be very frustrating. Not to mention the bank holiday where no one wants to work. They say time is money, but I disagree, because money you can always get back but time, once it's gone, it's gone. So use it wisely and don't waste it. Keep the end in mind and get around the obstacles. Fly over them, swim around them, chop & tail, hack them down, whatever you do just get through them. You didn’t come this far to only come this far. Aim for the galaxy, if you miss at least you’ll grab a star (I just made that up by the way). I’m trying to think positive, be around positive people and consume uplifting movies/music & media. Basically anything to help keep the negative thoughts away. This is what's helping me to get some composure. Always look at the bigger picture and have a growth mindset and the truth is you can only grow through pain, if you have it too easy…well, what’s the fun in that!