Week 14: The Brand
This week has been a bit tricky as I'm still self-isolating and didn’t want to stop the blogs as I'd promised. Just shy of 15 weeks (prior) I was celebrating the new year and started this blog as a weekly diary. I did not anticipate the apocalypse which was about to strike. But nevertheless, I'm going to brave up and continue. As long as there are readers I will continue to write. Carona is being talked to death so I thought I will share with you our branding strategy and how and why we chose everything. So like a movie I'm going back 6 odd months to give you the prequel to Opulent. Although the diary started 1st of January the set-up did start several months earlier and this is the period I will share.
So “What's in a Name? .....That which we call a rose”..........
Okay, not about to go all Shakespeare on you but the name was important to me.
Opulent: Don’t you just love it? So how did this name come about? Well, it wasn’t too much effort. As a vocabulary that word always stood out to me, kind of like serendipity, another of my favourite words. But, anyway I don’t want to go in depth about wording and teach you English (thank God for that) but just a rationale on how the name came about. As I mentioned earlier, I liked the sound of it (easy on the tongue), it looked good on paper and the meaning was even better. It's all things grand, luxurious, lavish, deluxe, rich, lush, plush, ritzy you get the idea....Not too long or too short just lends itself to a great email address, don’t you just hate those really long addresses?? A second factor; I was thinking long-term the name portrayed a certain image and was broad enough to develop into other areas should expansion ever arise. As far as I was concerned it was perfect.
Colours Scheme
Yay! colour scheme, this is where the fun starts to begin. I love red but maybe not for this particular type of business. Perhaps yellow, its’ bright, it's catchy but McDonalds keeps coming to mind, Blue is very safe and has been done to death. Now purple, very luxurious but kept getting distracted by Cadburys and the urge to eat Dairy Milk. Then went back to red again but, I wasn't sure if it goes with the whole property investing thing as it's quite financy (which by the way is not a word, I made it up). I have always enjoyed the art of Feng shui and read some stuff on colour psychology: Red being too angry or sexy (...eek! can I say that). Orange is very warm and fuzzy (ain't nothing fuzzy about finance). Green, very earthy and natural (nothing natural about the concrete corporate world). White, very clean and pure which I liked. Getting closer with Black it’s decadent and dark (the grim side of me). But I still wasn’t feeling it until I hit Gold, with so much history, used way before any currency, sreams out wealth and it was universal. It was decided, Opulent shall consist of Black, Gold and White in all its splendor.
Continued next week with our Logo and Mission statement